Unbalanced Warming Fields

Future Lithology/Imprints


Future Lithology is a series a fictional future maps of the resources of the soil. In this series I use official lithological symbols used by geologist and stratigrahers to identify the types of sediment and rocks underneath the different layers of the Earth’s crust.

I mostly use symbols that represent resources that are constantly being exploited by big industry, I added to these symbols two new imagined ones that represent plastic and textile, both synthetic material that portray our current epoch.

Unbalanced warming fields, Anthropogenic Sediments and Echoes are also part of this series. The pieces intertwine a sometimes fictional landscape with symbols that represent carbon, oil, coal, minerals and different types of stone with the two added symbols of plastic and textile. It implies how the exploitation of these mentioned resources has disrupted diverse ecosystems at an exponential rate and left direct imprints on the soil and the environment producing an unbalance in nature accelerating climate change.

From the project Future Imprints this series of pieces are a mix between landscape and use lithologic symbols 

Acrylic, collage and synthetic paper on round canvas
30”in diameter


Acrylic, collage and synthetic paper on oval canvas
36” x 24”in

  © Vero Glezqui 2024