Nature Swirls
2016-ongoingNature Swirls Studies is a mixed media project that shows fragments, textures and abstractions of natural elements. It plays between notions of origins of life, the Earth’s natural movements and cycles, the relationship between mankind and nature and intersects with the current events of climatization and its acceleration.
It is partly inspired by NASA’s graphics on climate change and plays with found imagery from nature magazines, deconstructed and re-contextualized to create different sorts of landscapes to evoke the Earth’s natural course of movements and the rapidly change of scenery due to climate change caused by human impact
The project was started in 2016 and is ongoing branching into other projects and series, it is a mix of collage, drawing and painting on cotton paper, synthetic paper and canvas.

Series 2
Works on canvas (2016-ongoing)

Series 1
Works on canvas Collage, acrylic and synthetic paper on canvas
12” x 12”