Earthly Micrometeorites

Earthly micrometeorites is a project that derives from Nature Swirls, it plays with fragments of textures of different references of earthy elements such as mountains, stones, rocks, soil and dirt mixed with geometric forms that contain lithological symbols that represent Earth’s resources and fragments of brush strokes.

Series 2

Acrylic, collage and synthetic paper on cotton paper
15” x 11”in each

Series 3

Acrylic, collage and synthetic paper on cotton paper
11” x 11”in each

Series 1

The first series consisted of 12 pieces made of collage of national geographics, scraps from nature swirls and geometric forms with lithological symbols made of acrylic.

Acrylic, collage and synthetic paper on cotton paper
22” x 15”in each
  © Vero Glezqui 2024